Friday, November 12, 2010

My Mask Poem

I don't need a mask to hide my feelings,
I let my body show them.
I let everyone see who I am.
I am a leader who makes good choices.
Trust me, I am not a bad person.

I don't need a mask to hide my feelings,
I let my body show them.
I tell every day to make good choices.
I try to teach people on how to be
a leader, not a follower.
My duty is to make everyone a leader.

I don't need a mask to hide my feelings,
I let my body show them.
You know that if you become a leader,
you will learn how to make good choices every day,
just like all of those good people out there in Oakland.

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Dia de los Muertos Poem

Uncle Jorge,
I miss you a lot.
I know that I didn't cry at the mortuary when you were in a casket,
but I've been thinking about you lately.
I miss the car horn of your Jeep.
Eating tacos with you.
Your fancy black shoes.
Drinking your homemade Horchata.
Hearing you sing Spanish music.
Your cool black hair.
If you came back to life, I would say,"Hi Uncle Jorge."
I miss seeing you drink beers at parties,and coffe in the morning.
I really miss you,Uncle Jorge.


Hey, my name is Noe Sanchez and I'm a yellow belt in Danzai-Ryu Jujitsu. One thing that I like to do is play video games. What I want to be in the future is that I want to be a game designer. I am doing this blog because some of my other cousins have blogs and I decided that I wanted a blog too.